Saturday, November 19, 2005

It's in the Mail

You know, it's not so hard to send e-mail from VBScript. I guess I just figured it would be given my experience with Perl and batch files.

All that is needed is Outlook Express. I finally found a good reason to have OE installed by default.

Function SendEMail(sSender, sTo, sSubject, sTextBody, sFrom, sFile, sSMTPServer)
  Dim objEmail
  Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
  objEmail.Sender = sSender
  objEmail.To = sTo
  objEmail.Subject = sSubject
  objEmail.TextBody = sTextBody
  objEmail.From = sFrom
  objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = sSMTPServer
  objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2
  objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 25
End Function

Monday, November 14, 2005

Why Don't You Just Tell Me What File?

I wrote a script and tried to make it easy. You could pick your input file and name your log file using common dialog boxes.

Now I have to re-write the script as a service, but I don't want to forget how to do this:

Option Explicit

'Confirm execution
Dim strScriptName, i
strScriptName = "My Script"
i = MsgBox ("Select an input file.", 1, strScriptName)
If i <> 1 Then
  i = MsgBox ("Script aborted.", 0, strScriptName)
End If

'Select the input file
Dim objCD, IntCD, strCD
Set ObjCD = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")
ObjCD.Filter = "Text Documents|*.txt|All Files|*.*"
ObjCD.FilterIndex = 1
IntCD = ObjCD.ShowOpen
If IntCD = False Then
  i = MsgBox ("No input file selected. Script aborted.", 0, strScriptName)
End If
strCD = objCD.FileName

'Select the log file
i = MsgBox ("Now select a log file.", 0, strScriptName)
Dim strLogFile, objLogFile, intLogFile
strLogFile = ObjCD.FileName & ".log"
Set objLogFile = CreateObject("SAFRCFileDlg.FileSave")
objLogFile.FileName = strLogFile
objLogFile.FileType = "Text Document"
intLogFile = objLogFile.OpenFileSaveDlg
If intLogFile Then
  strLogFile = objLogFile.FileName
  i = MsgBox ("No log file selected. Script aborted.", 0, strScriptName)
End If

i = MsgBox ("Input File: " & strCD, 0, strScriptName)
i = MsgBox ("Output File: " & strLogFile, 0, strScriptName)

It works only on Windows XP, by the way!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Software Restrictions

I've never used Software Restriction Policies in Windows before. They were introduced with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.

I have used the Group Policy "User Configuration/Administrative Templates/System/Run only allowed Windows applications" before. The problem with this policy is that it only works from Explorer. What if you don't want users to have access to Explorer? What if you need users to have access to Cmd or Task Manager, both of which can launch programs regardless of this policy?

Well, the answer is Software Restrictions. When set up with the option to apply to all users except local administrators, you can enable the policy default security level to disallowed. No program will run unless you have a rule for it.

Now, the default rules are OK for starters. They allowed most software in %ProgramFiles% and %SystemRoot% to run. But for my application, I did not want a program to run without a specific rule.

So I disallowed all the default rules and started logging on. I watched the Event Viewer for policy violations until I found all the programs that needed to be allowed:

Name,Type,Security Level
C:\WINDOWS\Application Compatibility Scripts\acregl.exe,Path,Unrestricted
C:\WINDOWS\Application Compatibility Scripts\end.cmd,Path,Unrestricted
C:\WINDOWS\Application Compatibility Scripts\rootdrv.cmd,Path,Unrestricted
C:\WINDOWS\Application Compatibility Scripts\setpaths.cmd,Path,Unrestricted

This policy let users run Notepad on the Terminal Server cluster as I outlined in my last blog - but nothing else.

For more information, check out this link:

Using Software Restriction Policies to Protect Against Unauthorized Software

Friday, November 11, 2005

Terminal Server

It's been a busy week building a Terminal Server cluster. Two servers, running Windows 2003 Server Standard.

I installed Terminal Services and IIS with the Remote Desktop Web option, then set up Network Load Balancing between the two servers as outlined here:

How to Configure Windows Network Load Balancing for pure Terminal Server environments

I copied the files from WINDOWS\Web\TSWeb to the root web and edited default.htm. That file is too big to post here, but the most important change was the addition of the following code right before MsRdpClient.Connect:

if MsRdpClient.SecuredSettingsEnabled then
  MsRdpClient.SecuredSettings.StartProgram = "notepad.exe"
  msgbox "Cannot access secured setting (startprogram) in the current browser zone"
end if

That code starts notepad, but can be changed to start any program as the shell. Of course, how do you prevent users from breaking out of that program, or accessing the desktop using another RDP client?

Well, first you want to remove the ability of the BUILTIN\Users group to write to all the drives. Then you'll want to look at this document:

Locking Down Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server Sessions

But the real answer is Software Restrictions. More on that next time.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Account Enabler

Here is a script that will enable the accounts created with CSVDE.

If you have a password policy, you will need to import accounts using CSVDE as disabled. Then you must set the password of each account so that it meets your policy requirements. Only then can you enable the account.

This script will set the password, force it to be changed on next logon, and enable the account all in one shot. You feed it the DN column from your CSVDE spreadsheet.

Option Explicit

Dim strPW, intPW, intAccount
strPW = "password" 'Set your password here
intPW = 0 'Forces password change
intAccount = 512 'Enables account

'Script usage and confirmation
Dim strScriptName, i
strScriptName = "Account Enabler"
i = MsgBox ("Select a text file that has one user DN per line. The user will be enabled and their password will be set to " & strPW & ".", 1, strScriptName)
If i <> 1 Then
  i = MsgBox ("Script aborted.", 0, strScriptName)
End If

'Select the input file
Dim objCD, intCD, strCD
Set objCD = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")
objCD.Filter = "Text Documents|*.txt|All Files|*.*"
objCD.FilterIndex = 1
intCD = objCD.ShowOpen
If intCD = False Then
  i = MsgBox ("No input file selected. Script aborted.", 0, strScriptName)
End If
strCD = objCD.FileName

'Get user DNs from the input file
Dim arrDN
arrDN = GetLines(strCD)

'Perform action on each user
Dim strDN, objUser
For Each strDN in arrDN
  Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strDN)
  If objUser.class="user" then
    objUser.SetPassword strPW
    objUser.Put "pwdLastSet", intPW
    objUser.Put "userAccountControl", intAccount
  End If

'Exit script
i = MsgBox ("Script done.", 0, strScriptName)

Function GetLines(strFile)
  'Read file
  Dim objTextFile, strText, objFSO
  Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFile, 1)
  strText = objTextFile.ReadAll
  Set objTextFile = Nothing

  'Trim trailing CR/LF from ini file
  Dim intLength, strEnd
  intLength = Len(strText)
  strEnd = Right(strText, 2)
  If strEnd = vbCrLf Then strText = Left(strText, intLength - 2)

  'Write lines into array
  Dim arrLines
  arrLines = Split(strText, vbCrLf)

  GetLines = arrLines
End Function

Until I come up with a standard disclaimer, just be warned that I am no programmer. Use my scripts only if you dare. Cheers!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


CSVDE is a great tool included with Windows 2003 Server that allows you to import accounts using a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

Exchange 2003 mailboxes can also be created with the import. Use the export function first to understand what fields and values to use. Here are the fields I need:

objectClass (always "user")
userAccountControl (always 514)
mDBUseDefaults (always "TRUE")

Here are some sites with more information:

How can I create a large number of users for testing purposes?
Brief but comprehensive guide to several bulk import options from

Introduction to CSVDE
Check out the Excel tips in the Advanced Import section from

These accounts will be disabled. CSVDE can't do passwords - they should be set and the accounts enabled with a script I'll post soon.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Best Way To Display Script?

When I blog script, I think this is the way to go. Here is a template for five lines of code:

<div NOWRAP style="height:300; width:500; overflow:auto; background-color:#EFEFEF"><code>Insert code line 1 here
Insert code line 2 here
&nbsp; Insert indented code line 3 here
&nbsp; &nbsp; Insert double indented code line 4 here
Insert code line 5 here

You can find/replace double-spaces with "&nbsp; " in your script using notepad. Who said it was going to be easy?

RRAS and IAS Default Domain

I helped myself the other day. I searched Google Groups for "IAS RAS Default Domain" and found an old post of mine.

It was a good thing I answered my own question, because I surely forgot it again when I needed it. That's why I'm writing this blog, which Google helps me publish and search. Thanks Google!

Anyway, here is the info:

If the remote access server is a member of domain and the user response does not contain a domain name, then the domain name of the remote access server is used.

Solution: To use a different domain name than that of the IAS server, on the computer running IAS, set the following registry value to the name of the domain that you want to use:


REG_SZ "DefaultDomain"

Start Here

Well, everything has to start somewhere.

Pronunciation: 'dril
Function: verb
1 a : to fix something in the mind or habit pattern of by repetitive instruction b : to impart or communicate by repetition c : to train or exercise in military drill

- Hey Sarge, you gotta give me a minute here on this thing we're doin'. I mean what we're doin'. What are we doin', Sarge?